Banking & Finance

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Modernize your Banking & Finance Business with Diptimate’s ERP System

ERP in the banking industry provides a whole spectrum of banking and finance solutions. ERP Software used in banks and financial institutes plays an important role. In earlier times all the activities were done on paper that creates a lot of hassle and difficulties for the one who is handling a particular department, however, nowadays everything has become digitally strong and with the help of ERP, software one can easily access or operate the software. Diptimate is a renowned brand to provides dedicated ERP solutions. We have served many industries and have set a benchmark for delivering the most affordable and efficient ERP software in today’s competitive market.

Finance & Banking ERP Module

Analytic Accounting

Analytic Accounting

This module links all the necessary activities of banking and financial institutes that involve revenue and cost.

Asset Management

Asset Management

Assets that belong to customers can be easily managed and can be tracked using this module

Money Management Module

Money Management Module

All the transactional activities can be tracked with the help of ERP software. This feature can help the banking and financial sectors in an efficient manner.

Staff Management

Staff Management

One can easily perform staff management with the help of this modern ERP system. All the activities related to attendance, staff duty, the schedule can be tracked

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

With the help of an ERP system, you can easily manage the record of your clients and can maintain a separate record of the loyal clients that can benefit your business.

Key Features of our ERP System

  • Cloud-based storage
  • Concurrent tracking system
  • Reports & analysis
  • Scalability
  • ATM counters monitoring
  • Smooth customer experience
  • Secured data
  • Department integration
  • Accurate transaction process
  • 24x7 Operation management

Our team is here to help!

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Employee Designation +91-8888000022

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